Tips For Creating Engaging Social Media Content

Social media can be an incredible tool for brands to connect with customers. It has the power to create brand advocates and increase sales, but it's also a great way for people to share their opinions about your brand. According to HubSpot, 61 percent of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family above all other forms of advertising online or offline. If you want your audience to engage with you on social media and spread the word about your brand, then you need to create engaging content that will hold their attention in an ever-increasingly noisy world. Here are some ways you can make sure that happens:

Create a tone of voice.

The way you speak is as important as the words you use. Creating an authentic tone of voice and personality for your brand is key to building trust with your audience.

Don't be afraid to use humor, be yourself, or show your personality in social media content. Experiment with different voices until one feels right for your brand--it could be funny, serious or somewhere in between!

Post photos that align with your brand and tell your story.

  • Post photos that align with your brand and tell your story.

  • Use a consistent theme in your photos to create a brand aesthetic.

  • Post photos that are relevant to your target audience, but also share what makes you unique or different from competitors. For example, if you're selling women's clothing, post pictures of models wearing those clothes--but don't forget to showcase the product itself!

  • Create a photo series that tells a story.

Get creative with your captions.

  • Get creative with your captions.

  • Use quotes from customers, team members and other brands (with permission).

  • Quote famous people or use quotes that are relevant to your brand and industry.

Share user-generated content on your Instagram and Facebook accounts.

  • Engage with your followers and encourage them to share their photos with you.

  • Invite people who have been engaging with your content recently to share their own photos of whatever they're doing at that moment (and tag them in it). This creates an opportunity for everyone involved - including yourself - to shine on social media!

Be consistent in your posting habits so that people know what to expect when they come across your brand's social media accounts.

Consistency is key to creating a successful social media strategy. Once you've decided on a schedule and frequency, stick to it! If a week goes by without seeing any new content from your brand's account, people will likely lose interest and move on.

If you post at different times every day, it can be hard for followers and viewers alike to keep track of when new content will appear--and that's not good for anyone involved in the relationship between brands and their audiences.

It's also important for posting consistency within each individual platform; if one platform sees more frequent updates than another (e.g., Twitter vs Facebook), this may make them feel unbalanced or unimportant compared with other platforms where less frequent posting occurs.

Keep it engaging, interesting, and relevant!

When it comes to creating engaging social media content, there are a few things you can do to make sure your followers are engaged.

  • Use interesting and relevant content. Don't just post pictures of your dog or cat--post pictures of them doing something funny or cute!

  • Use hashtags that are relevant to your audience. If they're interested in travel or pets, use those hashtags when posting about those topics instead of generic ones like "dogs" or "cats."

  • Post regularly and consistently. Every business is different, but with trial and error, you will find what works best for you!

Social media is different for everyone. What works for one business, may not work for yours. The important thing to remember is with consistency, everything will fall into place. Ask your followers what they want to see from you. People love feeling seen and heard. Let them tell you what they enjoy seeing, and use that as a guide from there. As always, we are here to help you create the perfect content that fits your brand. Call or message us to find out how we can help you soar on social media!

xo, Peacock Marketing


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